Сорокина Екатерина Алексеевна
кандидат физико-математических наук
Научные интересы:
- Физика плазмы • Магнитная гидродинамика • Теория равновесия • Гамильтоновы системы • Численное моделирование
- 2003-2009 — студентка Московского инженерно-физического института.
- 2007-н.в. — инженер, научный сотрудник, начальник лаборатории НИЦ «Курчатовский институт».
- 2016-н.в. — доцент Российского университета дружбы народов.
- Sorokina E.A. Global modes of flute instability of a rotating cylindrical plasma // Plasma Physics Reports. 2009. Vol. 35. P. 426–435 .
- Sorokina E.A., Maimistov A.I., Elyutin S.O. Photo-induced dynamics of Bose–Einstein condensates in optical superlattice // Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena. 2009. Vol. 238. P. 1394–1401.
- Ilgisonis V.I., Sorokina E.A., Yurchenko E.I. Collisionless current generation in the center of the tokamak plasma by an isotropic source of α-particles // Plasma Physics Reports. 2010. Vol. 36. P. 1–14.
- Sorokina E.A. Influence of the safety factor inhomogeneity on collisionless current generation in tokamaks // Plasma Physics Reports. 2011. Vol. 37. P. 19–27 .
- Ilgisonis V.I., Lakhin V.P., Smolyakov A.I., Sorokina E.A. Geodesic acoustic modes and zonal flows in rotating large-aspect-ratio tokamak plasmas // Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion. 2011. Vol. 53. Art. # 065008.
- Ilgisonis V.I., Sorokina E.A. Third adiabatic invariant and the collisionless distribution function of particles in a tokamak // JETP Letters. 2012. Vol. 94. P. 684–688 .
- Sorokina E.A., Ilgisonis V.I. Radial electric field and rotation of the ensemble of plasma particles in tokamak // Plasma Physics Reports. 2012. Vol. 38. P. 279–289 .
- Andreev V.V., Ilgisonis V.I., Sorokina E.A. Passing particle toroidal precession induced by electric field in a tokamak // Physics of Plasmas. 2013. Vol. 20. Art. # 122502.
- Lakhin V.P., Sorokina E.A. Geodesic acoustic eigenmode for tokamak equilibrium with maximum of local GAM frequency // Physics Letters A. 2014. Vol. 378. P. 535–538.
- Ilgisonis V.I., Khalzov I.V., Lakhin V.P., Smolyakov A.I., Sorokina E.A. Global geodesic acoustic mode in a tokamak with positive magnetic shear and a monotonic temperature profile // Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion. 2014. Vol. 56. Art. # 035001.
- Skovoroda A.A., Sorokina E.A. Islands and ergodicity of the plasma current in toroidal magnetic confinement systems // Plasma Physics Reports. 2014. Vol. 40. P. 424–436 .
- Ilgisonis V.I., Konovaltseva L.V., Lakhin V.P., Sorokina E.A. Analytical solutions for global geodesic acoustic modes in tokamak plasmas // Plasma Physics Reports. 2014. Vol. 40. P. 843–854 .
- Lakhin V.P., Sorokina E.A., Ilgisonis V.I., Konovaltseva L.V. MHD-model for low-frequency waves in a tokamak with toroidal plasma rotation and problem of existence of global geodesic acoustic modes // Plasma Physics Reports. 2015. Vol. 41. P. 975–982 .
- Lakhin V.P., Ilgisonis V.I., Smolyakov A.I., Sorokina E.A. Nonlinear excitation of long-wavelength modes in Hall plasmas // Physics of Plasmas. 2016. Vol. 23. Art. # 102304.
- Sorokina E.A., Lakhin V.P., Konovaltseva L.V., Ilgisonis V.I. Geodesic acoustic modes in noncircular cross section tokamaks // Plasma Physics Reports. 2017. Vol. 43. P. 271–279 .
- Ilgisonis V.I., Skovoroda A.A., Sorokina E.A. On the toroidal surfaces of revolution with constant mean curvatures // Physics of Atomic Nuclei. 2017. Vol. 80. P. 1307–1312 .
- Lakhin V.P., Ilgisonis V.I., Smolyakov A.I., Sorokina E.A., Marusov N.A. Effects of finite electron temperature on gradient drift instabilities in partially magnetized plasmas // Physics of Plasmas. 2018. Vol. 25. Art. # 012106.
- Lakhin V.P., Ilgisonis V.I., Smolyakov A.I., Sorokina E.A., Marusov N.A. Marginal stability, characteristic frequencies, and growth rates of gradient drift modes in partially magnetized plasmas with finite electron temperature // Physics of Plasmas. 2018. Vol. 25. Art. # 012107.
- Lakhin V.P., Sorokina E.A. Low-frequency magnetohydrodynamic spectra of plasmas with anisotropic pressure in axisymmetric toroidal systems // Physics of Plasmas. 2018. Vol. 25. Art. # 072111.
- Marusov N.A., Sorokina E.A., Lakhin V.P., Ilgisonis V.I., Smolyakov A.I. Gradient-drift instability applied to Hall thrusters // Plasma Sources Science and Technology. 2019. Vol. 28. Art. # 015002.
- Skovoroda A.A., Sorokina E.A. Geodesic acoustic mode in an elliptic cylinder // Plasma Physics Reports. 2018. Vol. 44. P. 1076–1084.
- Sorokina E.A., Marusov N.A., Lakhin V.P., Ilgisonis V.I. Discharge oscillations in Morozov’s stationary plasma thruster as a manifestation of large-scale modes of gradient drift instability // Plasma Physics Reports. 2019. Vol. 45. P. 1–10.
- Lakhin V.P., Sorokina E.A. Low-frequency continuous MHD spectrum of toroidally rotating tokamak plasmas with anisotropic pressure // Plasma Physics Reports. 2019. Vol. 45. P. 179–194.
- Marusov N.A., Sorokina E.A., Ilgisonis V.I., Lakhin V.P. Large-scale azimuthal structures in Hall-type plasma discharges // Physics of Plasmas. 2019. Vol. 26. Art. # 090701.
- Skovoroda A.A., Sorokina E.A. Electron motion in a stationary plasma thruster // Plasma Physics Reports. 2019. Vol. 45. P. 941–951.
- Sorokina E.A., Ilgisonis V.I. Equations of plasma equilibrium in a magnetic field with three-dimensional magnetic surfaces // Plasma Physics Reports. 2019. Vol. 45. P. 1093–1098.
- Romadanov I.V., Smolyakov A.I., Sorokina E.A., Andreev V.V., Marusov N.A. Stability of ion flow and role of boundary conditions in a simplified model of the E × B plasma accelerator with a uniform electron mobility // Plasma Physics Reports. 2020. Vol. 46. P. 363–373.
- Smolyakov A.I., Zintel T., Couedel L., Sydorenko D., Umnov A.M., Sorokina E.A., Marusov N.A. Anomalous electron transport in one-dimensional electron cyclotron drift turbulence // Plasma Physics Reports. 2020. Vol. 46. P. 496–505.
- Marusov N.A., Sorokina E.A., Ilgisonis V.I. Drift motion of charged particles in inhomogeneous magnetic and strong electric fields // Plasma Physics Reports. 2020. Vol. 46. P. 724–731.
- Ilgisonis V.I., Lakhin V.P., Marusov N.A., Smolyakov A.I., Sorokina E.A. Low-frequency zonal flow eigen-structures in tokamak plasmas // Nuclear Fusion. 2022. Vol. 62. Art. # 066002.