Вольперт Виталий Айзикович
доктор физико-математических наук
Директор междисциплинарного научного центра «Математическое моделирование в биомедицине»
- +7 (495) 787-38-33
- volpert-va@rudn.ru
Научные интересы:
- Математическая биология • Химическая физика • Эллиптические и параболические задачи • Уравнения реакции-диффузии
- 1980 — окончил механико-математический факультет Южного федерального университета (ЮФУ, г. Ростов–на-Дону) с красным дипломом.
- 1986 — защитил кандидатскую диссертацию на тему «Автоволновые процессы в химически активных средах» (Phd thesis: “Autowave processes in chemically active media”).
- 1980-1991 — работал в Институте химической физики Академии наук СССР (г.Черноголовка), пройдя путь от инженера до заведующего лабораторией Макрокинетики полимеризационных процессов.
- 1991 — стал лауреатом Премии имени К.И. Щелкина Академии наук СССР (Schelkin prize of the Soviet Academy of Sciences). Приглашенный ученый в Курантовском институте математических наук Университета Нью-Йорка, США (Courant Institute, New York University, USA).
- 1991-1992 — научный сотрудник отдела материаловедения, Северо-западный университет, США (Research Fellow, Department of Materials Science, Northwestern University, USA).
- 1992-н.в. — работает в Национальном центре по научным исследованиям (Directeur de recherche, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique) и Университете Лион 1 (University Lyon 1) во Франции.
- 1996 — защитил докторскую диссертацию на тему: «Математическая теория реакционно-диффузионных уравнений и их применение в химической физике» в Университете Лион 1 (Habilitation, “Mathematical theory of reaction-diffusion equations and their application in chemical physics”, University Lyon 1).
- 2004-2006 — заместитель директора Института Камиля Жордана, Лион, Франция).
- 2010-2012 — член совета директоров Института системной биологии и медицины, Лион, Франция.
- 2012-2018 — член совета Европейского общества теоретической и математической биологии.
- 2018-н.в. — директор междисциплинарного научного центра «Математическое моделирование в биомедицине» Математического института им. С.М. Никольского РУДН.
- Bouchnita, A., Belyaev, A. V., Volpert, V. Multiphase continuum modeling of thrombosis in aneurysms and recirculation zones // Phys. Fluids 33, 093314, 2021
- Volpert, V., Banerjee, M., Sharma, S. Epidemic progression and vaccination in a heterogeneous population. Application to the Covid-19 epidemic // Ecological Complexity, 47, 2021, 100940
- Zincenko, A., Petrovskii, S., Volpert, V., Banerje, M. Turing instability in an economic– demographic dynamical system may lead to pattern formation on a geographical scale // . J. R. Soc. Interface 18: 20210034.
- Manna, K., Volpert, V., Banerjee. M. Pattern Formation in a Three-Species Cyclic Competition Model // Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 83:52, 2021
- Ratto, N., Bouchnita, A., Chelle, P., Marion, M., Panteleev, M., Nechipurenko, D., Tardy-Poncet, B., Volpert V. Patient-Specific Modelling of Blood Coagulation // Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 83:50, 2021
- Mukherjee, N., Volpert, V. Bifurcation scenario of Turing patterns in prey-predator model with nonlocal consumption in the prey dynamics // Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 96, art. no. 105677, 2021
- Kaneva, V.N., Dunster, J.L., Volpert, V., Ataullahanov, F., Panteleev, M.A., Nechipurenko, D.Y. Modeling Thrombus Shell: Linking Adhesion Receptor Properties and Macroscopic Dynamics // Biophysical Journal, 120 (2), 2021, pp. 334-351
- Vougalter, V., Volpert, V. Existence of solutions for some non-Fredholm integro-differential equations with the bi-Laplacian // Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 44 (1), 2021, pp. 220-231.
- Banerjee, M., Volpert, V. Stochastic intracellular regulation can remove oscillations in a model of tissue growth // Mathematical Medicine and Biology, 37 (4), 2020 pp. 551-568.
- Ait Mahiout, L., Panasenko, G., Volpert, V. Homogenization of the diffusion equation with a singular potential for a model of a biological cell network // Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Mathematik und Physik, 71 (6), art. no. 181, 2020
- Sharma, S., Volpert, V., Banerjee, M. Extended SEIQR type model for COVID-19 epidemic and data analysis // Mathematical biosciences and engineering : MBE, 17 (6), 2020, pp. 7562-7604.
- Moussaoui, A., Volpert, V. Speed of wave propagation for a nonlocal reaction–diffusion equation // Applicable Analysis, 99 (13), 2020, pp. 2307-2321.
- Trofimchuk, S., Volpert, V. Traveling waves in delayed reaction-diffusion equations in biology // Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 17 (6), 2020, pp. 6487-6514.
- Touaoula, T.M., Frioui, M.N., Bessonov, N., Volpert, V. Dynamics of solutions of a reaction-diffusion equation with delayed inhibition // Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series B, 13 (9), 2020, pp. 2425-2442.
- Budzinskiy, S., Beuter, A., Volpert, V. Nonlinear analysis of periodic waves in a neural field model // Chaos, 30 (8), art. no. 083144, 2020
- Banerjee, M., Mukherjee, N., Volpert, V. Prey-predator model with nonlocal and global consumption in the prey dynamics // Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series S, 13 (8), 2020, pp. 2109-2120.
- Pal, S., Banerjee, M., Volpert, V. Spatio-temporal Bazykin's model with space-time nonlocality // Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 17 (5), 2020, pp. 4801-4824.
- Bessonov, N., Beuter, A., Trofimchuk, S., Volpert, V., Dynamics of periodicwaves in a neural field model // Mathematics, 8 (7), art. no. 1076, 2020
- Bouchnita, A., Terekhov, K., Nony, P., Vassilevski, Y., Volpert, V. A mathematical model to quantify the effects of platelet count, shear rate, and injury size on the initiation of blood coagulation under venous flow conditions // PLoS ONE, 15 (7 July), art. no. e0235392, 2020
- Volpert, V. Existence of Waves for a Bistable Reaction–Diffusion System with Delay // Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations, 32 (2), 2020, pp. 615-629.
- Allali, K., Joundy, Y., Taik, A., Volpert, V. Dynamics of Convective Thermal Explosion in Porous Media // International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 30 (6), art. no. 2050081, 2020
- Volpert, V. Existence of Reaction–Diffusion Waves in a Model of Immune Response // Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics, 17 (2), art. no. 47, 2020
- Trofimchuk, S., Volpert, V. Existence of bistable waves for a nonlocal and nonmonotone reaction-diffusion equation // Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh Section A: Mathematics, 150 (2), 2020, pp. 721-739.
- Ratto, N., Marion, M., Volpert, V. Existence of pulses for a reaction-diffusion system of blood coagulation // Topological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis, 55 (1), 2020, pp. 141-167.
- Ratto, N., Tokarev, A., Chelle, P., Tardy-Poncet, B., Volpert, V. Clustering of Thrombin Generation Test Data Using a Reduced Mathematical Model of Blood Coagulation // Acta Biotheoretica, 68 (1), 2020, pp. 21-43.
- Beuter, A., Balossier, A., Vassal, F., Hemm, S., Volpert, V. Cortical stimulation in aphasia following ischemic stroke: toward model-guided electrical neuromodulation // Biological Cybernetics, 114 (1), 2020, pp. 5-21.
- Volpert, V., Elboree, M.K. Studying Lump solutions, Rogue wave solutions and dynamical interaction for new model generating from lax pair // Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena, 15, art. no. 67, 2020
- Mahiout, L.A., Panasenko, G., Volpert, V. Partial homogenization of the diffusion equation with a dirac-like potential // International Journal for Multiscale Computational Engineering, 18 (5), 2020, pp. 507-518.
- Banerjee, M., Tokarev, A., Volpert, V. Immuno-epidemiological model of two-stage epidemic growth // Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena, 15, art. no. 2020012, 2020
- Volpert, V., Banerjee, M., Petrovskii, S. On a quarantine model of coronavirus infection and data analysis // Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena, 15, art. no. 24, 2020
- Manna, K., Volpert, V., Banerjee, M. Dynamics of a diffusive two-prey-one-predator model with nonlocal intra-specific competition for both the prey species // Mathematics, 8 (1), art. no. 101, 2020
- Danane, J., Allali, K., Tine, L.M., Volpert, V. Nonlinear spatiotemporal viral infection model with CTL immunity: Mathematical analysis // Mathematics, 8 (1), art. no. 52, 2020, pp. 1-13.
- Volpert, V., Stéphanou, A., Ballet, P., Powathil, G. Hybrid data-based modelling in oncology: Successes, challenges and hopes // Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena, 15, art. no. 21, 2020
- Bouchnita, A., Volpert, V., Koury, M.J., Hellander, A. A multiscale model to design therapeutic strategies that overcome drug resistance to tyrosine kinase inhibitors in multiple myeloma // Mathematical Biosciences, 319, art. no. 108293, 2020
- Bessonov, N., Bocharov, G.A., Leon, C., Popov, V., Volpert, V. Genotype-dependent virus distribution and competition of virus strains // Mathematics and Mechanics of Complex Systems, 8 (2), 2020, pp. 101-126.
- Bessonov, N., Bocharov, G., Meyerhans, A., Popov, V., Volpert, V. Nonlocal reaction-diffusion model of viral evolution: Emergence of virus strains // Mathematics, 8 (1), art. no. 117, 2020
- Lupica, A., Manfredi, P., Volpert, V., Palumbo, A., D'Onofrio, A. Spatio-temporal games of voluntary vaccination in the absence of the infection: The interplay of local versus non-local information about vaccine adverse events // Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 17 (2), 2020, pp. 1090-1131.
- Volpert, V., Banerjee, M., D'Onofrio, A., Lipniacki, T., Petrovskii, S., Tran, V.C. Coronavirus - Scientific insights and societal aspects // (2020) Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena, 15, art. no. E2, 2020
- Augeraud, E., Banerjee, M., Dhersin, J.-S., D'Onofrio, A., Lipniacki, T., Petrovskii, S., Tran, C., Veber-Delattre, A., Vergu, E., Volpert, V., Bacaër, N. A mathematical model of the beginnings of the coronavirus epidemic in France [Un modèle mathématique des débuts de l'épidémie de coronavirus en France] // Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena, 15, art. no. 29, 2020
- Augeraud, E., Banerjee, M., Dhersin, J.-S., D'Onofrio, A., Lipniacki, T., Petrovskii, S., Tran, C., Veber-Delattre, A., Vergu, E., Volpert, V., Dolbeault, J., Turinici, G. Heterogeneous social interactions and the COVID-19 lockdown outcome in a multi-group SEIR model // Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena, 15, 2020, pp. 1-18.
- Panfilov, A.V., Dierckx, H., Volpert, V. Reaction–diffusion waves in cardiovascular diseases // Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, 399, 2019, pp. 1-34.
- Marion, M., Volpert, V. Existence of Pulses for the System of Competition of Species // Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations, 31 (3), 2019, pp. 1653-1670.
- Bessonov, N., Beuter, A., Trofimchuk, S., Volpert, V. Cortical waves and post-stroke brain stimulation // Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 42 (11), 2019, pp. 3912-3928.
- Bocharov, G., Meyerhans, A., Bessonov, N., Trofimchuk, S., Volpert, V. Modelling the dynamics of virus infection and immune response in space and time // International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems, 34 (4), 2019, pp. 341-355.
- Trofimchuk, S., Volpert, V. Global continuation of monotone waves for bistable delayed equations with unimodal nonlinearities // Nonlinearity, 32 (7), 2019, pp. 2593-2632.
- Bessonov, N., Bocharov, G., Touaoula, T.M., Trofimchuk, S., Volpert, V. Delay reaction-diffusion equation for infection dynamics // Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series B, 24 (5), 2019, pp. 2073-2091.
- Bouchnita, A., Volpert, V. A multiscale model of platelet-fibrin thrombus growth in the flow // Computers and Fluids, 184, 2019, pp. 10-20.
- Sen, M., Volpert, V., Vougalter, V. Existence of waves for a reaction–diffusion–dispersion system // Nonlinear Analysis, Theory, Methods and Applications, 180, 2019, pp. 52-66.
- Bessonov, N., Beuter, A., Trofimchuk, S., Volpert, V. Estimate of the travelling wave speed for an integro-differential equation // Applied Mathematics Letters, 88, 2019, pp. 103-110.
- Vougalter, V., Volpert, V. On the Solvability in the Sense of Sequences for Some Non-Fredholm Operators Related to the Anomalous Diffusion // Trends in Mathematics, 2019, pp. 229-257.
- Ratto, N., Marion, M., Volpert, V. Existence of pulses for a reaction-diffusion system of blood coagulation in Flow // Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 16 (5), 2019, pp. 4196-4212.
- Bessonov, N.M., Bocharov, G.A., Bouchnita, A., Volpert, V.A. Hybrid models in biomedical applications // Computer Research and Modeling, 11 (2), 2019, pp. 287-309.
- Benchaib, M.A., Bouchnita, A., Volpert, V., Makhoute, A. Mathematical modeling reveals that the administration of EGF can promote the elimination of lymph node metastases by PD-1/PD-L1 blockade // Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 7 (MAY), art. no. 104, 2019
- Vougalter, V., Volpert, V., Booker, K., Nec, Y. On accuracy of numerical solution to boundary value problems on infinite domains with slow decay // Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena, 14 (5), art. no. 503, 2019
- Vougalter, V., Volpert, V., Berkani, A., Tatar, N.-E. Stabilization of a viscoelastic Timoshenko beam fixed into a moving base // Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena, 14 (5), art. no. 501, 2019
- El Khatib, N., Kafi, O., Sequeira, A., Simakov, S., Vassilevski, Yu., Volpert, V. Mathematical modelling of atherosclerosis // Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena, 14 (6), art. no. 2019050, 2019
- Grebennikov, D., Bouchnita, A., Volpert, V., Bessonov, N., Meyerhans, A., Bocharov, G. Spatial lymphocyte dynamics in lymph nodes predicts the cytotoxic T Cell frequency needed for HIV infection control // Frontiers in Immunology, 10 (JUN), art. no. 1213, 2019
- Vougalter, V., Volpert, V. Solvability of Some Integro-Differential Equations with Anomalous Diffusion in Two Dimensions // Journal of Mathematical Sciences (United States), 235 (3), 2018, pp. 243-255.
- Bocharov, G., Meyerhans, A., Bessonov, N., Trofimchuk, S., Volpert, V. Interplay between reaction and diffusion processes in governing the dynamics of virus infections // Journal of Theoretical Biology, 457, 2018, pp. 221-236.
- Beuter, A., Balossier, A., Trofimchuk, S., Volpert, V. Modeling of post-stroke stimulation of cortical tissue // Mathematical Biosciences, 305, 2018, pp. 146-159.
- Belyaev, A.V., Dunster, J.L., Gibbins, J.M., Panteleev, M.A., Volpert, V. Modeling thrombosis in silico: Frontiers, challenges, unresolved problems and milestones // Physics of Life Reviews, 26-27, 2018, pp. 57-95.
- Vougalter, V., Volpert, V. On the Existence in the Sense of Sequences of Stationary Solutions for Some Systems of Non-Fredholm Integro-differential Equations // Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics, 15 (5), art. no. 205, 2018
- Galochkina, T., Marion, M., Volpert, V. Initiation of reaction–diffusion waves of blood coagulation // Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, 376-377, 2018, pp. 160-170.
- Bessonov, N., Reinberg, N., Banerjee, M., Volpert, V. The origin of species by means of mathematical modelling // Acta Biotheoretica, 66 (4), 2018, pp. 333-344.
- Banerjee, M., Mukherjee, N., Volpert, V. Prey-predator model with a nonlocal bistable dynamics of prey // Mathematics, 6 (3), art. no. 41, 2018
- Vougalter, V., Volpert, V. Solvability in the sense of sequences for some non Fredholm operators related to the superdiffusion // Journal of Pseudo-Differential Operators and Applications, 9 (1), 2018, pp. 25-46.
- Vougalter, V., Volpert, V. Existence of stationary solutions for some non-Fredholm integro-differential equations with superdiffusion // Journal of Pseudo-Differential Operators and Applications, 9 (1), 2018
- Eymard, N., Volpert, V., Kurbatova, P., Bessonov, N., Ogungbenro, K., Aarons, L., Janiaud, P., Nony, P., Bajard, A., Chabaud, S., Bertrand, Y., Kassaï, B., Cornu, C. Mathematical model of T-cell lymphoblastic lymphoma: Disease, treatment, cure or relapse of a virtual cohort of patients // Mathematical Medicine and Biology, 35 (1), 2018, pp. 25-47.
- Vougalter, V., Volpert, V. Existence in the Sense of Sequences of Stationary Solutions for Some Non-Fredholm Integro-Differential Equations // Journal of Mathematical Sciences (United States), 228 (6), 2018,pp. 601-632.
- Bocharov, G.A., Volpert, V.A., Tasevich, A.L. Reaction–diffusion equations in immunology // Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics, 58 (12), 2018, pp. 1967-1976.
- Zincenko, A., Petrovskii, S., Volpert, V. An economic-demographic dynamical system // Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena, 13 (3), art. no. 27, 2018
- Galochkina, T., Ouzzane, H., Bouchnita, A., Volpert, V. Traveling wave solutions in the mathematical model of blood coagulation // Applicable Analysis, 96 (16), 2017, pp. 2891-2905.
- Bessonov, N., Volpert, V. Deformable cell model of tissue growth // Computation, 5 (4), art. no. 45, 2017
- Bouchnita, A., Miossec, P., Tosenberger, A., Volpert, V. Modeling of the effects of IL-17 and TNF-α on endothelial cells and thrombus growth [Modélisation des effets des cytokines IL-17 and TNF-α sur les cellules endothéliales et la croissance du thrombus] // Comptes Rendus - Biologies, 340 (11-12), 2017, pp. 456-473.
- Eymard, N., Volpert, V., Vougalter, V. Existence of Pulses for Local and Nonlocal Reaction-Diffusion Equations // Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations, 29 (3), 2017, pp. 1145-1158.
- Bouchnita, A., Galochkina, T., Kurbatova, P., Nony, P., Volpert, V. Conditions of microvessel occlusion for blood coagulation in flow // International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering, 33 (9), art. no. e2850, 2017
- Volpert, V., Petrovskii, S., Zincenko, A. Interaction of human migration and wealth distribution // Nonlinear Analysis, Theory, Methods and Applications, 159, 2017, pp. 408-423.
- Bouchnita, A., Bocharov, G., Meyerhans, A., Volpert, V. Hybrid approach to model the spatial regulation of T cell responses // BMC Immunology, 18, art. no. 29, 2017
- Banerjee, M., Volpert, V. Spatio-temporal pattern formation in Rosenzweig–MacArthur model: Effect of nonlocal interactions // Ecological Complexity, 30, 2017, pp. 2-10.
- Galochkina, T., Bouchnita, A., Kurbatova, P., Volpert, V. Reaction-diffusion waves of blood coagulation // Mathematical Biosciences, 288, 2017, pp. 130-139.
- Bouchnita, A., Bocharov, G., Meyerhans, A., Volpert, V. Towards a multiscale model of acute HIV infection // Computation, 5 (1), art. no. 6, 2017
- Allali, K., Joundy, Y., Taik, A., Volpert, V. Influence of natural convection on the heat explosion in porous media // Combustion, Explosion and Shock Waves, 53 (2), 2017, pp. 134-139.
- Bouchnita, A., Belmaati, F.-E., Aboulaich, R., Koury, M.J., Volpert, V. A hybrid computation model to describe the progression of multiple myeloma and its intra-clonal heterogeneity // Computation, 5 (1), art. no. 16, 2017
- Banerjee, M., Vougalter, V., Volpert, V. Doubly nonlocal reaction–diffusion equations and the emergence of species // Applied Mathematical Modelling, 42, 2017, pp. 591-599.
- Galochkina, T.V., Volpert, V.A. Mathematical modeling of thrombin propagation during blood coagulation // Computer Research and Modeling, 9 (3), 2017, pp. 469-486.
- Vougalter, V., Volpert, V. On the solvability of some systems of integro-differential equations with anomalous diffusion // Trends in Mathematics, (9783319475110), 2017, pp. 161-179.
- Vougalter, V., Volpert, V. Existence of stationary solutions for some systems of integro-differential equations with superdiffusion // Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics, 47 (3), 2017, pp. 955-970.
- Vougalter, V., Volpert, V. On the existence of stationary solutions for some systems of non-Fredholm integro-differential equations with superdiffusion // Discontinuity, Nonlinearity, and Complexity, 6 (1), 2017, pp. 75-86.
- Eymard, N., Volpert, V., Quere, I., Lajoinie, A., Nony, P., Cornu, C. A 2D computational model of lymphedema and of its management with compression device // Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena, 12 (5), 2017, pp. 180-195.
- Bouchnita, A., Galochkina, T., Volpert, V. Influence of Antithrombin on the Regimes of Blood Coagulation: Insights from the Mathematical Model // Acta Biotheoretica, 64 (4), 2016, pp. 327-342.
- Bocharov, G., Meyerhans, A., Bessonov, N., Trofimchuk, S., Volpert, V. Spatiotemporal dynamics of virus infection spreading in tissues // PLoS ONE, 11 (12), art. no. e0168576, 2016
- Caraguel, F., Bessonov, N., Demongeot, J., Dhouailly, D., Volpert, V. Wound Healing and Scale Modelling in Zebrafish // Acta Biotheoretica, 64 (4), 2016, pp. 343-358.
- Allali, K., Joundy, Y., Taik, A., Volpert, V. Heat Explosion In Porous Media Using Radial Basis Functions // MATEC Web of Conferences, 83, art. no. 07002, 2016
- Bouchnita, A., Rocca, A., Fanchon, E., Koury, M.J., Moulis, J.M., Volpert, V. Multi-scale Modelling of Erythropoiesis and Hemoglobin Production //Journal of Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers and Materials, 26 (6), 2016, pp. 1362-1379.
- Banerjee, M., Demongeot, J., Volpert, V. Global regulation of individual decision making // Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 39 (15), 2016, pp. 4428-4436.
- Banerjee, M., Volpert, V. Prey-predator model with a nonlocal consumption of prey // Chaos, 26 (8), art. no. 083120, 2016
- Panasenko, G., Volpert, V. omogenization of a one-dimensional diffusion - discrete absorption equation with feedback // Applicable Analysis, 95 (7), 2016, pp. 1507-1516.
- Bouchnita, A., Eymard, N., Moyo, T.K., Koury, M.J., Volpert, V. Bone marrow infiltration by multiple myeloma causes anemia by reversible disruption of erythropoiesis // American Journal of Hematology, 91 (4), 2016, pp. 371-378.
- Vougalter, V., Volpert, V. On the existence of stationary solutions for some systems of integro-differential equations with anomalous diffusion // Discontinuity, Nonlinearity, and Complexity, 5 (3), 2016, pp. 285-295.
- Vougalter, V., Volpert, V. Existence of stationary solutions for some systems of integro-differential equations // Discontinuity, Nonlinearity, and Complexity, 5 (1), 2016, pp. 75-84.
- Stéphanou, A., Volpert, V. Hybrid Modelling in Biology: A Classification Review // Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena, 11 (1), 2016, pp. 37-38.
- Banerjee, M., Sen, M., Volpert, V. Pattern formation in a prey-predator model with nonlocal interaction terms // Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics, 186, 2016, pp. 27-39.
- Morozov, A., Ptashnyk, M., Volpert, V. Preface. Bifurcations and Pattern Formation in Biological Applications // Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena, 11 (5), 2016, pp. 1-3.
- Bouchnita, A., Tosenberger, A., Volpert, V. On the regimes of blood coagulation // Applied Mathematics Letters, 51, art. no. 4831, 2016, pp. 74-79.
- Bocharov, G., Bouchnita, A., Clairambault, J., Volpert, V. Mathematics of Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics: Diversity of Topics, Models and Methods // Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena, 11 (6), 2016, pp. 1-8.
- Bessonov, N., Sequeira, A., Simakov, S., Vassilevskii, Y., Volpert, V. Methods of Blood Flow Modelling // Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena, 11 (1), 2016, pp. 1-25.
- Bouchnita, A., Bouzaachane, K., Galochkina, T., Kurbatova, P., Nony, P., Volpert, V. An Individualized Blood Coagulation Model to Predict INR Therapeutic Range during Warfarin Treatment // Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena, 11 (6), 2016, pp. 28-44.
- Bajard, A., Chabaud, S., Cornu, C., Castellan, A.-C., Malik, S., Kurbatova, P., Volpert, V., Eymard, N., Kassai, B., Nony, P. An in silico approach helped to identify the best experimental design, population, and outcome for future randomized clinical trials // Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 69, 2016, pp. 125-136.